The link
between fame and fortune may be only semantic, but on the off chance there is
an inseverable connection between the two, here I am world! I’ll tell you a
tale or two, and (to keep up your part of the pact) you’ll put a few coins in
my hat. For the moment I have called my site “Jake Jacobs,” which is simple
and accurate. This being a writer’s homepage I have toyed with other titles.
Got a
favorite? We’ll do this with a show of hands. Thank you. Your votes are being
tabulated. Links at
the top of any page will take you wherever you’d like to go. They are
explained along the sides. The ones on your left are the money links, so to
speak. ARCHIVE leads to a selection of articles. (To whet your appetite for
more!) BOOKS describes my books in print, and gives information on work in
progress. MOVIES covers my scripts, those filmed, and those awaiting a buyer.
LECTURES lists the topics I cover, and finally EMAIL allows you to contact
me. All links to the right are essentially biographical. |